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"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."

-Henry Miller

Traveling is about understanding that the culture you were born and raised in is just one version of reality. Once you recognize that all humans are connected and there are worlds to learn about every place and person outside of your own backyard, you begin to open up your heart to the unknown. I believe that traveling is one of the best ways to heal the current community you live in. The world has a vast amount of knowledge to offer each individual if we just take the time to open our eyes and listen. While I have posted my travels of far distances, never underestimate what you can learn by venturing over to the next town or down the block. Traveling to new places is important for human growth to learn acceptance, diversity, tolerance, co-existence, passion, human-nature connections, love, and more about the person you truly are.



My Senior Capstone Integration Project: Soul Searching Map

Click HERE to read a paragraph about the project

Click the map to view an interactive map of my travels

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